stubborn vs persistent


the word to use on someone who is firm on an opinion or action (that is different from yours) in spite of difficulty or opposition.
“stop being stubborn. just listen to me”


the word to use on someone who is firm on an opinion or action (that is the same as what you believe in or beneficial to you) in spite of difficulty or opposition.
“we managed to solve the problem because you were so persistent”

disclaimer: im not an English teacher.

but from what i gathered, it seems like the action and behaviour of these two words can look and sound the same and it all depends on whether it is the same or different from the person calling you that.

ive been called “stubborn” all the time since young, and of cos, it’s always when i have differing opinions and ideas etc.

but the same behaviour and action also got me words like persistent, perseverance, tenacity, resilience..

it seems to really boil down to what the person think of your opinions, idea or course of action.. and nothing about your opinions, ideas and action in itself.

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