welcome human!

(an open letter for you who are here)

welcome to The Space Betwin. my name is Ting. i am the heart, mind, body and soul behind The Space Betwin.

here, there are no fancy copywriting, ticking timer pressuring you to make payment, manipulative sales tactics, flooding of your inbox with newsletter, pressured time sensitive decision making..

it is all about honouring what feels right for you – that knowing that has no reason, that little nudge, tingling, peaceful, excitement.. however it is for you.

The Space Betwin was birthed in 2018 after a few years of aligning and recalibrating. it has rebranded (at least) 6 times since 2012. but to me, it was exactly what i stand for – resonance and alignment, simply what feels right.

i invite you to do the same with deciding to engage my service and me.

the essence of my work here is to support and guide you in your integration and remembrance of yourself – your magic, divinity, power and much more.. yet, also embracing, honouring and experiencing the beauty of being human.

i believe that in developmental and inner work, it is not a one size fit all. there are many great modalities, and i like to dive into different modalities to explore and combine them. i seek new knowledge and skills not because i can never explore too much.. there are sooo many magical things.  and because of that, i have accumulated quite a bit of skills and knowledge in my toolkit.. which are all inspiration and tools for me to use when doing this work.

the more i learn and experience the magic in the spaces between, the lesser i ‘know’ and the more i trust. the more awareness i have on and about myself, the harder it is share about ‘me’ because there are so many layers. i am multidimensional, and so are you.

if you would like to ‘know’ me to consider working together, i suggest you experience me instead.. from this site or my other social media account. go beyond what you read and go within to how you feel and what you experience of me.

work with me if/when it feels right. that is the best for us both.

ting dark grey sign off

what i do best

I guide, mentor, coach and facilitate your journey on:

‣ Making peace with your shadows/inner demons
‣ Sharpening your intuition
‣ Healing and working on soul contracts
‣ Having your gifts work for you
‣ Align the shit out of your life
‣ Unlearn and decondition who you are not
‣ Create flow and ease in your life
‣ Find your best – practical and sustainable, way of working and living
‣ Live and lead intentionally and intuitively
‣ Be wholesome and embodied as your true self

who i work best with

‣ Neurodivergents
‣ Empath and HSP
‣ Practical rebels
‣ Soulful entrepreneurs
‣ People who knows that it is much more than mind we can tap into
‣ Willing/curious/open souls

“Best” means I have significant experiences with these profile of people, but that is not a limit to who I can work with. I suggest an alignment call if you are exploring a longer term arrangement with me.

tools and inspiration

‣ Akashic Record
‣ Channeling
‣ Shadow Work
‣ DNA Activation
‣ Guided Inner Journeys
‣ Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counselling
‣ Reiki
‣ Animal Communication
‣ Human Design & Gene Keys
‣ Innerdance
‣ Somatic (body work), Movement and Yoga
‣ Meditation & Breath Work
‣ Leadership Embodiment
‣ Essential Oils
‣ Tarot, Oracle, Pendulum, etc