dear open/undefined centers..

open and undefined centers are those that are not filled with colour in our chart

dear open/undefined head, 

you don’t need to have all the answers and solve every problem. in fact, for some things, you will never have an answer and that is okay too.

it is okay to say:

“i do not have the answers (yet).”

dear open/undefined ajna, 

you do not need to be certain. you can be open to new ideas and change your perspectives as you grow.

it is okay to say:

“i am not sure. this is what i have now. i may change my stand with more information given to me”

dear open/undefined throat, 

you won’t need know what to say all the time. when it is aligned and authentic, you know exactly what to say.

it is okay to say:

“i have no comment about it” or “i need 5 minutes to structure my thoughts”

dear open/undefined G, 

you do not need to have a fixed identity or a clear direction. you can enjoy the flow of your journey, and trust that you are where you are supposed to be.

it is okay to say:

“i have no idea where this is leading me but i trust that it will be okay”

dear open/undefined ego, 

there is nothing to prove. your worth and value doesn’t come from external validation or achievements – especially not from someone else.

it is okay to say:

“my achievements and what i do/or not do does not define my worth or who i am.”

dear open/undefined spleen, 

you can let go of things or people that no longer serve you. your intuition is your best friend and it will guide you.

it is okay to say:

“i do not have a logical explanation.  this does not feel right for me and i do not want it.”

dear open/undefined sacral, 

rest when you need to and honor your natural rhythm. you do not need to keep up with the defined sacral. 

it is okay to say:

“i do not have capacity to do that today”

dear open/undefined solar plexus, 

you may feel deeply or not at all and when you do take on the emotions of others, know that you can release it too. 

it is okay to say:

“i do not know why i am feeling this way yet. it may not be mine so give me some time to figure this out”

dear open/undefined root, 

you can act on the time that you set out for and not need to follow anyone else’s timing. there is no need to rush together with someone else.

it is okay to say:

“this is the timeline i set and i will be following it. you can refer to it for reference.”

like to explore more through the lens of human design? reach out to me!

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