new to me? not sure where to start?
start from this page.
how is it like
working together
.. is a collaboration between you, me and divine (call it universe, god.. basically bigger forces)
there are no fix step by step nor structure, even though i may offer some format.
if your soul is hungrier than your brain..
deep down you know there’s something more..
and you are ready to trust yourself, your body, your intuition, your guides..
the universe and divine..
ready to ditch the old ways that does not serve..
those that are tired, draining and suffocating..
you are ready to step into power of yourself..
jump into some unknown.. into the arms of universe and divine..
ready to do the real work.. seeing and loving yourself for who you are and not what others say you should be..
you are ready to live for yourself, with yourself..
i will journey with you.
working with me
over the years, ive accumulated a wide range of experiences, knowledge and skills in my toolkit. as such, it is always confusing to others what i do exactly.
there is no one way i do things and so you can find below some idea of what i do, who i work best with, as well as my tools and inspirations.
another thing i realised while doing this work over the years is that, my energy move in flow and in different period / season, i would offer different arrangements.
so feel free to take a look at what are the different things that’s possible here, and then check my instagram for the current ways to work with me.
and if you feel it in your bones but nothing i currently offer calls for you, just send me a message! everything is bespoke and customised anyway.
what i stand by
– with power and choice
whether repeating a pattern, walking away or staying in shitty situations – let it be something you are aware, mindful and chose to be. there are a lot of power in knowing you chose, even if it is a shitty situation.
– because you know best
no one else know better what is best for you.. in any given situation, even if they done similar thing for years. learn to tap into that wisdom within.
– for there is no light without darkness
living in full range of emotions and experience, accepting and embracing all the “good” and “bad”, “positive” and “negative”. we go through all of them here.
– making ‘what works’ a part of you
it doesn’t matter how much awareness and knowledge you know, but i care if it is applicable and sustainable for you to use it moving forward.
what i do best
I guide, mentor, coach and facilitate your journey on:
‣ Making peace with your shadows/inner demons
‣ Sharpening your intuition
‣ Healing and working on soul contracts
‣ Having your gifts work for you
‣ Align the shit out of your life
‣ Unlearn and decondition who you are not
‣ Create flow and ease in your life
‣ Find your best – practical and sustainable, way of working and living
‣ Live and lead intentionally and intuitively
‣ Be wholesome and embodied as your true self
who i work best with
‣ Neurodivergents
‣ Empath and HSP
‣ Practical rebels
‣ Soulful entrepreneurs
‣ People who knows that it is much more than mind we can tap into
‣ Willing/curious/open souls
“best” means i have significant experiences in these area/profile, but that is not a limit to what/who i can work with.
i suggest an alignment call if you are exploring a longer term arrangement with me.
tools and inspiration
‣ Meditation & Breath Work
‣ Leadership Embodiment
‣ Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counselling
‣ Human Design & Gene Keys
‣ Essential Oils
‣ Tarot, Oracle, Pendulum, etc
‣ DNA Activation
‣ Guided Inner Journeys
‣ Shadow Work
‣ Channeling
‣ Akashic Record
‣ Innerdance
‣ Somatic (body work), Movement and Yoga
brief options breakdown
before you go “oh it is so confusing” this is a breakdown of what’s available.
1) 1:1 sessions – these are either remote, live calls or face to face
2) customised retreats/programs – for individual, couple or group
3) Guesthouse (membership)
- Lounge pass – access to Mind Food, Private Radio, Learn from my journey (basically content that I prefer to share with a closed group of people)
- Full membership –
- access to Mind Food, Private Radio, Healing garden, Play lab, Roadtrip Inwards (content, courses, experiments and recordings)
- 1-2 group calls per month
4) Ala carte self paced workshops and recordings – as it is, ala carte items that you sign up for. [COMING SOON]
5) Practitioner programs – self paced and on demand. [COMING SOON]
feel the nudge?