Animal communication (AC) is as straightforward as the name suggests – communication with the animal. We see AC as a way to connect, understand and build relationships with the animals.
During the session, we will connect with your pet and request for a ‘conversation’. The animal can say yes or no. Even though they had said yes to communicate, they still have full freedom to reveal what they want to reveal or communicate. Or if your pet has a playful personality, he/she may also joke and be cheeky with their replies.
The AC process does depend on how the animal feels towards us as well as the openness and trust of their owners about the process. Eg. If owners feel cynical and distrustful, the animal will sense that and also deliberately lie or give inaccurate information in an attempt to “protect” itself and the owner.
As animal communicators, we mostly work as the messenger to pass the messagse across. And sometimes their replies may be abstract (mainly because how they see and understand the world can be very different from us humans) so we do need to ‘decipher’. In some cases, we may need to work with the owners to decipher because they have prior background knowledge and context.
What are some ways you can use this session for?
- Ask them questions to better understand their preferences
- Hear their thoughts, feelings, etc.
- Inform them of events (House moving, surgery, relocation, life transitions, etc)
- Talk / last words with your pet that has passed on
But there is no limit as to what you can use the session for as long as you have good intention to connect with them. Basically it is a conversation with your pet and you can use it in many different ways.
Things to note before booking
- Please put aside 60 mins.
The session will include briefing and closing with actual communication that will be about +/- 40 mins. At the agreed time, we will meet online and refine your questions, if needed. After the session there will also be time to debrief and/or time for questions that you have so you walk out with useful information!
- Pets sense owner energy
We invite you to ask any questions you have before booking because when owners are skeptical, pets may read that energy as distrust towards the communicator and therefore lie or “test” the communicator which will take up time.
- Clear and good intentions
For most cases, owners connect with their pet with good intention. In rare cases, owners use the session and answers from pets to their own advantage, which may affect what the animal says, especially if the pet does love both people. Eg. To use in an argument with someone else, to prove a point, etc.
- They have a choice
As much as we would like the communication to go through and happen, the animal has a say and freedom in what and how much they want to reveal. Your pet may refused to answer questions and/or give indirect answers or even lie.
- Refund
All sessions are non refundable. We may offer a refund if your pet refuses to communicate upfront. Eg. we go into the session and initiate a conversation and your pet refuses and/or rejects straightaway. However, there will NOT be a refund if your pet refuses to answer certain questions but is willing to have a conversation and/or answer other questions.
- Sharing to social media
When you agree to have a session you are agreeing for us to be sharing parts of the conversation to social media. At the end of the session, we will also seek your pet’s permission too. Before we wrap up the session, you may let us know if there are anything/parts that you do not wish to be shared.
Here are some guidelines for you to get ready for the session
– Prepare your questions. In a session, we can cover anything between 3-8 questions, depending on complexity. So prepare about 8 and list them in priority. (You can prepare more too)
– Have them ready to copy and paste to the chat during the session.
– If we request for you to amend your questions, it is not personal.
– Your pet/s do not need to be doing anything specifically.
Options for this service & what is the difference
- Live text (60 mins)
Done via whatsapp/instagram or telegram. Actual AC will be around 40 mins. 20 mins to prepare you as well as questions and closing. - Live call (60 mins)
We hop onto the call and you ask the questions along the way. Actual AC will be around 40 mins. 20 mins to prepare you as well as questions and closing.
Book your session!
Does my pet/s need to be awake?
Nope, your pet/s can be doing anything they are doing. They do not need to be doing anything in specific.
Can I have a session for an animal/pet that is not mine?
It depends on context.
If you are a community feeder/rescuer/fosterer, etc and would like to find out something so it can benefit the animal.. we can try.
Chat with me and share your situation then I can support better with suggestion.
Why don’t you do lost pets?
It is not that I completely do not do missing pet cases, but it is a case by case basis. If you are a client of mine, definitely reach out to let me know the situation.