why it is hard to change your lifestyle, even though it is for the better. 

many times, when we start something. we don’t give ourselves enough time and space to ease into it and weave it into our lifestyle.

we start big with a BAMM and expect it to integrate immediately.

eg. zero exercise to 1 hr exercise a day. showing up really little to posting 3-5 times a day.

many of us are deeply ingrained to “complete” and check things off.

so we may be able to push through but soon realised it is not sustainable.

and it is because we forgot to consider how it can fit into the lifestyle that we are already comfortable with.

so what can we do about it?

start small, start comfortable.

let it ease in.

have a habit that you find it hard to incorporate into your life? i can coach you through setting up something that works for you. speak to me!

have a habit that you find it hard to incorporate into your life? i can coach you through setting up something that works for you. speak to me!

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