DNA activation

The Radical Guide (RG) DNA Activation™ method is the process of awakening the dormant spiritual and cosmic strands of DNA and unlocking the magic that’s already within you!

Through DNA activation we will reactivate your power within, clear stagnant, dense energy of past life lessons learned, raise your baseline vibration frequencies and shift your consciousness in this current life.

We are made up of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body (or some call it energetic body) and our spiritual strand connect all four bodies.

DNA activation is what I call an ‘energetic surgery’ to restore the health of our bodies and sharpen connection with higher source. Blockages in our DNA are seals and tags from past lives, ancestors, soul contracts, etc, which can show up in any of our four bodies.

These blockages prevents the energy flow within us.. from left to right as well and top to bottom. It also keeps our energy dense and keeps us in low vibration and frequencies.. which makes it harder to connect with intuition and higher sources.

During the process, we remove these blockages, restore and clean up damaged strands and awaken the dormant spiritual strands.

By doing so, our natural gifts can then surface and ascension shifts could happen (easier).

It may shows up as shifts in our thoughts/feelings/behaviours when approaching similar situations or a huge ass leap in big life direction.. or both. Clair gifts and intuition will be also be sharpen.

Some experiences from DNA activations (up to 48 strands)

– Enhanced healing in physical body – eg. recovery

– Better regulation, balancing and processing of emotions – alleviate stress, anxieties,

– Increase ability to shift and expand – resistance, perspectives, etc

– Increase in clarity, awareness, alignment

– Deeper connection to self (intuition) and source

– Greater ease and flow

– Grounded sense of self and power

– Integration of shadows and sub/unconscious

– Sharpening of clair gifts

Experiences and benefits differ for individuals based on individual pace and willingness to dive in. eg. In order for alignment, there must be courage to get rid of misalignments. In order for integration of shadows, you first must be willing to face it.

DNA activation shifts your baseline of vibration, it acts like a ground work or booster to the modalities and tools you currently have, or is going to go into.

DNA activation up to 24 strands

– Seals removal (Jehovian Seals, Zeta Seals Strand, Death Seal, Crown of Thorns, Templar Seal, Templar Axion Seal, Seal of Amenti)

– DNA Strand Restoration

– Etheric Body Alignment and Clearing

– Aura clearing

At the end, you will receive an recording of the process and a report including:

– the guides that are present

– channeled message for you

– work to be done from here on (Shadow work, areas to explore, etc)

– tools that can support your journey

DNA activation 25 to 48 strands

– Clearing of Vows and Contracts

– Deep Soul Message

– Balancing of Chakra System

– Clair gift(s) activation: (Primary and secondary)

– Chakra Evaluation

– Archetype(s) Activation (Primary and secondary)

At the end, you will receive an recording of the process and an updated report from your activation up to 24 strands to include the above information. 

Here are some guidelines for you to get ready for the session

– You can choose to be present/meditating when I am going through the process, just for fun to notice anything comes up for you. (But this is completely optional.)

If you are doing so, prepare your physical space. Ideal to be comfortable and quiet.

– You can simply go about doing whatever you are doing.

– Drink lots of water and do whatever you need to take care of yourself before AND after the session.

Options for this service & what is the difference

  • DNA activation up to 24 strands
  • DNA activation 25 to 48 strands

Refer to above for more information.

Book your session!


How do I know this works?

What is the definition of “work”.

I personally experience subtle and steady shift after my own activations. My clients have both big and subtle shifts.

But since none of us just get the activation and wait for shit to happen, who is to say it is the activation or the work we put in?

What stood out for us is that, after the activation, we do experience a shift in our experience as we go about doing the same inner work/process we do before.

But I am not here to convince you because this is a progress that people need to take on for themselves, when it feels right. So take your time to feel into it.

What will happens after the activation?

You can soar, or you can crash first then you move steadily up.

Ultimately the process aim to “clear” what’s not “us”. So depending on where you are on your journey, the outcome can look different.

But regardless, it is not a magical pill to “correct” anything. So be prepared to still do your own inner work after.