guided processes

Processes refers to guided process whereI facilitate and hold space for you to go through a specific.. process.

I’ve collected quite a number of processes along the way as I learn, heal and grow both as a person, practitioner and professional doing this work.

Here are some of the processes.

  • Guided Journeys  – inspired by shamanic arts. We will take journeys for different purpose eg, soul retrieval, part work, inner child healing, shadow work, etc.
  • Meditation & Breath Work
  • Innerdance
  • Somatic (body work), Movement and Yoga

You do not need to specifically know what you would like to do. Chat with me and I can suggest something, possibly a combination as well.

What are some ways you can use this session for? 

  • General balancing and harmonizing
  • Energy hygiene maintenance
  • Healing for specific purpose
  • Soul & power retrieval
  • Part work & shadow work

These are only some examples and there are various way to use the session for. If you are unsure, reach out to me! 

Here are some guidelines for you to get ready for the session

– Prepare your physical space. Ideal to be comfortable, quiet and undisturbed for the duration.

– Drink lots of water and do whatever you need to take care of yourself before AND after the session.

Options for this service & what is the difference

  • Live Call (90 mins)
    Have a chat with me and discuss the process, then book a slot. Prepare your physical space to have the call. We hop onto the call. We surrender and let universe bring us where we were to go.
  • Live face to face (90 mins)
    Have a chat with me and discuss the process, then book a slot. We will discuss and meet at a place that is agreeable for both. Cost of venue and transport is NOT included in the booking upfront. This will be payable by you after we confirm the venue. Prepare yourself to head to the space on time. We surrender and let universe bring us where we were to go.

Book your session!


I don’t know which to choose.

Chat with me and let me know what you wish to explore and I can suggest!

How many sessions do I need to see results?

Inner work is not straight forward like taking pain killers where effect is almost immediately.

Some get enough in one session for them to move forward. Some prefer to have more as maintenance of their own energy.

Nothing is guaranteed so I cannot tell you how many sessions you need.

If you are looking for quick fix, I can’t do much. But if you are looking for stable long term growth, I’m here.

What if I fall asleep?

In the last decade of doing this work, all the people who told me they fell asleep, didn’t.

They think they fell asleep, but they are letting the conscious mind take a back seat for the time being and allowing the subconscious to do it’s thing.